Category: Team profiles

In Profile: Gaia Brezzo

In Profile: Gaia Brezzo

Meet Gaia! Dr Gaia Brezzo, is a post-Doctoral research fellow working at the University of Edinburgh. Gaia works in the McColl lab  within the UK Dementia Research Institute. Gaia grew up in Italy but always had “and interest in the brain and especially mental health”...

In profile: Kristy Zera

In profile: Kristy Zera

Learn about Stroke-IMPaCT member Kristy Zera, a postdoctoral fellow working in the lab of Marion Buckwalter at the Stanford University School of Medicine, in the department of Neurology.

In profile: Marion Buckwalter

In profile: Marion Buckwalter

For this profile, we welcome Marion Buckwalter, Professor of Neurology and Neurological Sciences, and Neurosurgery at The Stanford University School of Medicine. She is the Stroke-IMPaCT Network Lead for North America.