Our publications
Below is a list of our published research papers.
These are network publications based on work funded by the Leducq Foundation, and which acknowledge the foundation’s support.
If you are a study participant or a member of the public, you can read summaries of our research on the Stroke-IMPaCT blog.
- Barnes, S.E., Zera, K.A., Ivison, G.T. et al. Brain profiling in murine colitis and human epilepsy reveals neutrophils and TNFα as mediators of neuronal hyperexcitability. J Neuroinflammation 18, 199 (2021).
- https://doi.org/10.1186/s12974-021-02262-4Bidoki* NH, Zera* KA, Nassar* H, Drag LL, Mlynash M, Osborn E, Musabbir M, Kim DK, Paula Mendez M, Lansberg MG, Aghaeepour N, and Buckwalter MS. Plasma proteomics predicts mood and links inflammation to chronic post-stroke mood. Under review, Annals of Neurology
- Becktel A., Zbesko J. C., Frye J. B., Chung A. G., Hayes M., Calderon K., Grover J. W., Li A., Garcia F. G., Tavera-Garcia M. A., Schnellmann R. G., Wu H. J., Nguyen T. V., Doyle K. P.. Repeated administration of 2-hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin (HPβCD) attenuates the chronic inflammatory response to experimental stroke. Journal of Neuroscience. 2022 Jan 42; 2: 325-348. https://doi.org/10.1523/JNEUROSCI.0933-21.2021
- Brosius Lutz, A., Lucas, T.A., Carson, G.A. et al. An RNA-sequencing transcriptome of the rodent Schwann cell response to peripheral nerve injury. J Neuroinflammation 19, 105 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12974-022-02462-6
- *Dwyer, Liam J., Ann M. Stowe, Kristian Doyle, Phillip Popovich, Elizabeth Engler-Chiurazzi, Christian LeGuern, Marion S. Buckwalter, Mark C. Poznansky, and Ruxandra F. Sîrbulescu. “The 2022 FASEB virtual Catalyst Conference on B Cells in Injury and Regeneration, March 30, 2022.” FASEB journal: official publication of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology 36, no. 8 (2022): e22459. https://faseb.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/pdfdirect/10.1096/fj.202201027
- *Endres M, Moro MA, Nolte CH, Dames C, Buckwalter MS, Meisel Immune Pathways in Etiology, Acute Phase, and Chronic Sequelae of Ischemic Stroke. Circ Res. 2022 Apr 15;130(8):1167-1186. doi: 10.1161/CIRCRESAHA.121.319994.
- Gubern-Mérida C, Comajoan P, Huguet G, García-Yebenes I, Lizasoain I, Moro MA, Puig-Parnau I, Sánchez JM, Serena J, Kádár E, Castellanos M. Cav-1 Protein Levels in Serum and Infarcted Brain Correlate with Hemorrhagic Volume in a Mouse Model of Thromboembolic Stroke, Independently of rt-PA Administration. Mol Neurobiol. 2022 Feb;59(2):1320-1332. doi: 10.1007/s12035-021-02644-y.
- Loan JJ, Kirby C, Emelianova K, Dando OR, Poon MT, Pimenova L, Hardingham GE, McColl BW, Klijn CJ, Al-Shahi Salman R, Schreuder FH, Samarasekera N. Secondary injury and inflammation after intracerebral haemorrhage: a systematic review and meta-analysis of molecular markers in patient brain tissue. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. 2022 Feb;93(2):126-132. https://doi.org/10.1136/jnnp-2021-327098. PMID: 34362854
- Loppi SH, Tavera-Garcia MA, Becktel DA, Maiyo BK, Johnson KE, Schnellmann RG, Doyle Increased fatty acid metabolism and decreased glycolysis are hallmarks of metabolic reprogramming in the brain during recovery from experimental stroke. Under Review: bioRxiv 2022.03.22.485395
- *McCulloch L, Harris AJ, Malbon A, Daniels MJD, Younas M, Grainger JR, Allan SM, Smith CJ, McColl Treatment with IgM-enriched intravenous immunoglobulins (IgM-IVIg) enhances clearance of stroke-associated bacterial lung infection. Immunology. 2022 Jul 26. https://doi.org/10.1111/imm.13553PMID: 35881080
- Peña-Martínez C, Durán-Laforet V, García-Culebras A, Cuartero MI, Moro MÁ, Lizasoain I. Neutrophil Extracellular Trap Targeting Protects Against Ischemic Damage After Fibrin-Rich Thrombotic Stroke Despite Non-Reperfusion. Front Immunol. 2022 Feb 16;13:790002. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2022.790002.
- Shih BB, Brown SM, Barrington J, Lefevre L, Mabbott NA, Priller J, Thompson G, Lawrence AB, McColl BW. Defining the pig microglial transcriptome reveals its core signature, regional heterogeneity, and similarity with human and rodent microglia. Glia 2022. http://doi.org/10.1002/glia.24274
- Taylor JL, Pritchard HAT, Walsh KR, Strangward P, White C, Hill-Eubanks D, Alakrawi M, Hennig GW, Allan SM, Nelson MT, Greenstein AS. Functionally linked potassium channel activity in cerebral endothelial and smooth muscle cells is compromised in Alzheimer’s disease.Natl.Acad.Sci.U.S.A.2022 119:e2204581119. doi: 10.1073/pnas.2204581119
- Westendorp, W. F., Dames, C., Nederkoorn, P. J. & Meisel, A. Immunodepression, Infections, and Functional Outcome in Ischemic Stroke. Stroke 53, 1438-1448, (2022). doi:10.1161/STROKEAHA.122.038867
- Becktel, D.A, Zbesko, J.C., Frye, J.B., Chung, A.G., Hayes, M., Calderon, K., Grover, J.W., Li, A., Garcia, F.G., Tavera-Garcia, M.A., Schnellmann, R.G., Wu, H.J., Nguyen, T.V., Doyle. K.P., (2021) Repeated administration of 2-hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin (HPβCD) attenuates the chronic inflammatory response to experimental stroke. DOI: 10.1101/2021.05.03.442388; Pre-print
- Berry K, Farias-Itao DS, Grinberg LT, Plowey ED, Schneider JA, Rodriguez RD, et al. B and T Lymphocyte Densities Remain Stable With Age in Human Cortex. ASN Neuro. 2021;13:17590914211018117.
- Brea, D., C. Poon, C. Benakis, G. Lubitz, M. Murphy, C. Iadecola and J. Anrather (2021). “Stroke affects intestinal immune cell trafficking to the central nervous system.” Brain Behav Immun 96: 295-302.
- Cuartero, M. I., A. Garcia-Culebras, C. Torres-Lopez, V. Medina, E. Fraga, S. Vazquez-Reyes, T. Jareno-Flores, J. M. Garcia-Segura, I. Lizasoain and M. A. Moro (2021). “Post-stroke Neurogenesis: Friend or Foe?” Front Cell Dev Biol 9: 657846. DOI: 3389/fcell.2021.657846
- Duran-Laforet, V., C. Pena-Martinez, A. Garcia-Culebras, L. Alzamora, M. A. Moro and I. Lizasoain (2021). “Pathophysiological and pharmacological relevance of TLR4 in peripheral immune cells after stroke.” Pharmacol Ther 228: 107933. DOI: 1016/j.pharmthera.2021.107933
- Jagdmann, S., D. Berchtold, B. Gutbier, M. Witzenrath, A. Meisel, C. Meisel and C. Dames (2021). “Efficacy and safety of intratracheal IFN-gamma treatment to reverse stroke-induced susceptibility to pulmonary bacterial infections.” J Neuroimmunol 355: 577568.
- Krishnan, S., C. O’Boyle, C. J. Smith, S. Hulme, S. M. Allan, J. R. Grainger and C. B. Lawrence (2021). “A hyperacute immune map of ischaemic stroke patients reveals alterations to circulating innate and adaptive cells.” Clin Exp Immunol 203(3): 458-471.
- Nguyen, T.V., Crumpacker, R.H., Calderon, K.E., Garcia, F.G., Zbesko, J.C. J.B. Frye, J.C., Gonzalez, S., Becktel, D.A., Yang, T., Tavera-Garcia, M.A., Morrison, H.W., Schnellmann, R.G., Longo, F.M., Doyle. K.P. (2021) Post-stroke administration of the p75 neurotrophin receptor modulator, LM11A-31, attenuates chronic changes in brain metabolism, increases neurotransmitter levels, and improves recovery. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1124/jpet.121.000711
- *Nordvig, A. S., K. T. Fong, J. Z. Willey, K. T. Thakur, A. K. Boehme, W. S. Vargas, C. J. Smith and M. S. V. Elkind (2021). “Potential Neurologic Manifestations of COVID-19.” Neurol Clin Pract 11(2): e135-e146.
- Salobrar-Garcia, E., I. Lopez-Cuenca, L. Sanchez-Puebla, R. de Hoz, J. A. Fernandez-Albarral, A. I. Ramirez, I. Bravo-Ferrer, V. Medina, M. A. Moro, T. C. Saido, T. Saito, J. J. Salazar and J. M. Ramirez (2021). “Retinal Thickness Changes Over Time in a Murine AD Model APP (NL-F/NL-F).” Front Aging Neurosci 12: 625642. DOI: 3389/fnagi.2020.625642
- Zbesko, J. C., J. B. Frye, D. A. Becktel, D. K. Gerardo, J. Stokes, K. Calderon, T. V. Nguyen, D. Bhattacharya and K. P. Doyle (2021). “IgA natural antibodies are produced following T-cell independent B-cell activation following stroke.” Brain Behav Immun 91: 578-586. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.bbi.2020.09.014
- Durán-Laforet V, Peña-Martínez C, García-Culebras A, Cuartero MI, Lo EH, Moro MÁ, Lizasoain I. Role of TLR4 in Neutrophil Dynamics and Functions: Contribution to Stroke Pathophysiology. Front Immunol. 2021 Oct 21;12:757872. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2021.757872.
- Evans LE, Taylor JL, Smith CJ, Pritchard HAT, Greenstein AS, Allan Cardiovascular co-morbidities, inflammation and cerebral small vessel disease. Cardiovasc. Res. 2021 117:2575-88. https://doi.org/10.1093/cvr/cvab284
- Lo EH, Albers GW, Dichgans M, Donnan G, Esposito E, Foster R, Howells DW, Huang YG, Ji X, Klerman EB, Lee S, Li W, Liebeskind DS, Lizasoain I, Mandeville ET, Moro MA, Ning M, Ray D, Sakadžić S, Saver JL, Scheer FAJL, Selim M, Tiedt S, Zhang F, Buchan AM. Circadian Biology and Stroke. Stroke. 2021;52:2180-2190. doi: 10.1161/STROKEAHA.120.031742.
- *McCulloch L, Mouat IC, South K, McColl BW, Allan SM, Smith Stroke-induced changes to immune function and their relevance to increased risk of severe COVID-19 disease. Discovery Immunology https://doi.org/10.1093/discim/kyac004
- McCullough LD, Moro Translational Interdisciplinary Science-Immune Cell Niches: Possible Targets for Stroke Therapy? Stroke. 2021 Nov;52(11):3692-3695. doi: 10.1161/STROKEAHA.121.033969.
- Winek, K., Soreq, H. & Meisel, A. Regulators of cholinergic signaling in disorders of the central nervous system. J Neurochem 158, 1425-1438, doi:10.1111/jnc.15332 (2021).
- Zera KA, Buckwalter T cells direct microglial repair of white matter after stroke. Trends Neurosci. 2021 Oct;44(10):769-770. doi: 10.1016/j.tins.2021.07.005. Epub 2021 Jul 28. PMID: 34332802.Becktel, D.A, Zbesko, J.C., Frye, J.B., Chung, A.G., Hayes, M., Calderon, K., Grover, J.W., Li, A., Garcia, F.G., Tavera-Garcia, M.A., Schnellmann, R.G., Wu, H.J., Nguyen, T.V., Doyle. K.P., (2021) Repeated administration of 2-hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin (HPβCD) attenuates the chronic inflammatory response to experimental stroke. DOI: 10.1101/2021.05.03.442388; Pre-print
- Berchtold, D., J. Priller, C. Meisel and A. Meisel (2020). “Interaction of microglia with infiltrating immune cells in the different phases of stroke.” Brain Pathol 30(6): 1208-1218
- Jagdmann, S., C. Dames, D. Berchtold, K. Winek, L. Weitbrecht, A. Meisel and C. Meisel (2020). “Impact of Key Nicotinic AChR Subunits on Post-Stroke Pneumococcal Pneumonia.” Vaccines (Basel) 8(2).
- *Elkind MS, Boehme AK, Smith CJ, Meisel A, Buckwalter Infection as a stroke risk factor and determinant of outcome after stroke. Stroke. 2020 Oct;51(10):3156-68
- *South, K., L. McCulloch, B. W. McColl, M. S. Elkind, S. M. Allan and C. J. Smith (2020). “Preceding infection and risk of stroke: An old concept revived by the COVID-19 pandemic.” Int J Stroke 15(7): 722-732
- Winek, K., S. Lobentanzer, B. Nadorp, S. Dubnov, C. Dames, S. Jagdmann, G. Moshitzky, B. Hotter, C. Meisel, D. S. Greenberg, S. Shifman, J. Klein, S. Shenhar-Tsarfaty, A. Meisel and H. Soreq (2020). “Transfer RNA fragments replace microRNA regulators of the cholinergic poststroke immune blockade.” Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 117(51): 32606-32616.