In profile: Kristy Zera
Learn about Stroke-IMPaCT member Kristy Zera, a postdoctoral fellow working in the lab of Marion Buckwalter at the Stanford University School of Medicine, in the department of Neurology.

In focus: How can stroke change our immune cells?
The immune system is crucial in protecting us from disease. Researchers from the Stroke-IMPaCT network have helped conduct a study to see what happens to our immune system following a stroke.

In profile: Marion Buckwalter
For this profile, we welcome Marion Buckwalter, Professor of Neurology and Neurological Sciences, and Neurosurgery at The Stanford University School of Medicine. She is the Stroke-IMPaCT Network Lead for North America.

In profile: Stuart Allan
For our first profile, Stuart Allan, Professor of Neuroscience and Stroke-IMPaCT Network Lead, has answered a few questions.
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