In Profile: Harry Deijnen
Who are you and where are you based?
My name is Harry Deijnen, and I am a first year PhD student at the University of Manchester, supervised by Prof. Craig Smith, Prof. Stuart Allan and Dr. John Grainger.
Can you briefly describe the research that you do?
My research is focused on understanding how the immune system changes after a stroke, and identifying how these changes lead to problems with abilities such as decision making, speech and memory, collectively known as cognitive decline. So far, this has involved me looking at immune cells in patient blood samples via a technique called flow cytometry.
What is your role in the Stroke IMPaCT Network?
As part of my research, some of the tasks I have performed so far include helping to process blood samples at Salford Royal hospital, looking at the immune cells in these samples via flow cytometry, and analysing the data. In the future, there may be opportunities for me look at other aspects of the immune cells through complicated techniques such as RNA sequencing and metabolomics.
What are you enjoying most about being part of this network?
Although I have only been part of the network for 3 months, I am enjoying the collaborative and forward-thinking nature of the network. I am a big believer in the potential for achievements to be made when like-minded people work together behind a common goal, and believe that the teamwork and togetherness of the network provides the chance to make some really exciting discoveries.
What else do you enjoy doing/ anything else you’d like to share?
In my free time, I enjoy listening to music, watching and playing football, and spending time with friends and family.