In Profile: Siew Yan Wong
Who are you and where are you based?
Hello, I’m Yan, the Research Technician for Stroke-IMPaCT at the University of Manchester, and I mainly work at Salford Royal Hospital.
What is your role in the Stroke IMPaCT Network?
As a Research Technician my main role is to process the participant blood samples. I separate blood samples into plasma, serum and PBMCs. I also help our post-doc Tom to analyse the samples using flow-cytometry.
Within my role I am responsible for handling the SMART tubes. SMART Tubes essentially allow us to create an ‘immune reaction in a dish’ that tell us how the immune system responds to common bacterial and viral proteins at a snapshot in time.
My other core role is to manage the bank of samples from the study. I ensure that we know where each sample is at any time. I also make sure the labs are well stocked and we don’t run out of the resources we need.
What are you enjoying most about being part of this network?
I am really enjoy developing new skills in and out of the laboratory. I am currently learning venepuncture, under the supervision of the Stroke-IMPaCT research nurses. I have been able to take blood sample from participants. I’m really looking forward to meeting more of our participants when I am helping with taking blood in the future.
What else do you enjoy doing/ anything else you’d like to share?
Outside of work I love doing digital art on my iPad and attending art classes.
Contacting Me
I can be reached at siewyan.wong@manchester.ac.uk